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catch 22 sunderland

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  • catch 22 sunderland

    hi every 1 bob wasfishing saturday/ sunday saturday wsa aslow start north of sunderland but pick away onthe flood tide cod from 3llbs to 6 1\2 llbs move south for the ebb but the fishing gt worse odd fish here and there but ended the day with 50 cod and afew maccys . sunday 10 anglers setoff north again fishing was very slow at frist search inshore then off shore for about 12 fish alltheother boats were not any better so off down south of seaham forthe ebb tide nothing at frist then bang some one must have open the gate and we were all into fish 2@atime shrimp & mussel seam the best bait we had a young lad 11years frist time fishing caught a9 1/2 llbscod and 3 or 4 to 5llbs we ended the day with 150 fish from 3llbs to 9 1/2 llbs and afew maccys .and many more rturned. agood days fishing had by all photo of John James age 11 with his PB a 9 1/2 llbs cod .
    Last edited by kill bill57; 23-06-2014, 09:48 AM.