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  • Shads?

    Shads seem to be a lot in favour on the boats at the minute. Especially blue coloured ones only trouble is i think there bloody expensive for what they are.

    Good news though, hopefully in a week or so i should be taking delivery of a load of storm shads 5" in the blue colours. My main aim was to get some cheap stock for myself as they can be used boat and shore and they dont go off like normal bait lol.

    Anyway I shall be trying to sell the spare ones i got on here, They will be a good bit cheaper than the £5.00 a packet or sometimes more the shops sell them for.

    so if anyonme is palnning on stocking up on shads it might be worth waiting a bit and you may well bag yourself a bargain! shame less plug i know but hey ho its worth a try.

    I have ordered from the usa so it might take a bit for them to arrive though