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    As things seem to have come to a bit of a standstill on this, how about (as Clare suggests), we (the previous \"committe\") get together to decide in which direction we\'re going?

    How about a Sunday afternoon at the Zetland (weather permitting, ofcourse - I know you boat lads won\'t wanna be stuck in the pub if the weather\'s fair and the sea\'s

    The invite\'s open to ALL and not just \"the committe\", but bear in mind - if you come along, you may end up being drafted in to fill a role

    Please post any replies to this in the thread, \"RNLI where do we go from here?\" in the Fund Raising Matters forum.

    [Edited on 22/1/2004 by TC]

  • #2
    Count me in - it is the least I can do after the days out last year on various boats owned by guys on here. I would be more than willing to help out.
    (aka the fish distractor)
    give a man a fish and feed him for a day - teach the man to fish and feed him for life!!!!


    • #3
      Seeing as this was posted in the boat forum ( ???????) , I don\'t think things have come to a standstill Tony . I understood people were thinking about what had been suggested and mulling it over , we have a good three months before the boat season gets in to full swing .

      Can I expand on what we said . If a general tin was held on every boat ( at the boat owners discretion of course with no pressure involved ) and every angler chucked in a pound every time one boat would top about £100 a season at least and be donated at the end of the year on NESA\'S behalf . This would take no planning at all and be very simple . If the object is to swell the coffers of the RNLI the offshore membership is the most efficient . I\'m in it and I\'m sure the rest of the boaters are . Important as it is , fishing is the first priority of this site imho .

      As always , I\'ll go along with the majority decision and offer to share my fishing trips with anyone


      • #4
        I think that\'s a great idea Dave, because of the generosity of you boat owners a lot of lads get trips out at a fraction of the cost of a charter, so once fuel, bait etc has been covered sticking a few quid in the pot
        is the least we could do!
        Cheers, Keith.


        • #5
          PLEASE NOTE:
          Please post any replies to this in the thread, \"RNLI where do we go from here?\" in the Fund Raising Matters forum.
          Whoops! sorry Tony!
          Cheers, Keith.


          • #6
            its alright kieth i missed that too. sorry tc.
            give a man a fish and feed him for a day - teach the man to fish and feed him for life!!!!


            • #7
              Fistly, the reason I posted this topic in both the Boat Fishing Forum and the Shore Fishing forum (aswell as in Fund Raising Matters) - is simple - The Fund Raising Forum is one of the least visited forums and topics posted in it get VERY few responses. I have posted many times in that forum (including on the previous Board) and had virtually NO response. I concluded from that, that there was either no interest in the topic, or no interest in visiting THAT forum. When I posted the same topic in either Boat Fishing or Shore fishing - I got responses.

              Secondly, yes - there is (as you say) \"a good 3 months before the boat season gets into full swing\".
              We had last years event on the 5th May, Dave, and it was about this time of year when I started to organise it. If it is decided to go for the BIG comp - then I need to know ASAP so that I can get the ball rolling. There\'s not much time to \"mull things over\", and that\'s why I\'m suggesting a meet to decide which way those who\'ll be involved in the organisation of the \"event\" want to go.

              Thirdly, You are right Dave - the whole object of our fund raising is to \"swell the coffers of the RNLI\". BUT, was it not decided that once a year, we would hold an event PURELY on behalf of a North East Station - I thought THAT was the case. Is it possible to ensure that your Offshore Membership fees go to an RNLI Station of your choosing ????

              Fourthly (and finally), You\'re right again Dave, the site IS primarily about fishing - However, I\'m only following through on an issue which was agreed upon by NESA over a year ago - ongoing support for the RNLI.

              Dave, I know what you\'re like, m8 and you will certainly \"share your fishing trips with anyone\"\'ve taken me out plenty times

              Keith, Jason & Dave - Aye I did ask that replies be posted on the Fund Raising Forum in an attempt to keep all the responses in one place.

              Jason, thanks for the offer of helping out if needed - much appreciated, m8

              [Edited on 22/1/2004 by TC]

              [Edited on 22/1/2004 by TC]


              • #8

                SEE MY OPENING POST:-

                \"PLEASE NOTE:
                Please post any replies to this in the thread, \"RNLI where do we go from here?\" in the Fund Raising Matters forum. \"

