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  • meet

    sorry lads put post in wrong section. does any members fancy having a meet in a pub convenient to all to discuss flies, fisheries tactics etc. why waste 15mins each fly with a fly that doesent work in the north. bring your fly box along and we can eliminate flies that dont work in northern waters. all those 15mins add up and your paying money to catch fish. i battled on for three years before an england internationall showed me what to do. take a short cut to success and get some help. i must stress that this is aimed at beginners as most competent anglers will know the lures, buzzers nymphs etc needed for northern waters. just trying to help people im not an expert, but can pass on the info that i was told. i can pass on tactics , flies that work at each fishery [not set in stone!] best advice ever given to me was from an old timer who i still fish with, he said keep a diary of where youve been, temperature , wind direction, flies used, what caught, what didnt, date, etc. at the end of the year, look at your list of flies. what caught, what didnt. throw the ones that didnt in the bin! over the years you eliminate all the ones that didnt work, thus saving at least 15 mins per useless fly! makes sense dont you think. you have more chance using the most consistent patterns and your catch rate rises each year. im willing to organise a meet and give a talk if any newcomers are interested. just send a message and illl come up with a venue and date to suit all!

  • #2
    sounds a good idea mate id be up for it
    im new to fly fishing again so the patterns ect will of changed
    if it gets enough people ill be up for it


    • #3

      cheers gazzawill, sless up for it as well. anyone else?


      • #4
        yeah sounds great will be up for it if i can make it


        • #5

          ok lads only us then. what about a friday night say 21st at a pub convenient to everyone. any suggestions as i only know the pub near sharply just off the a19. i will travel anywhere north of the tyne south of the tyne. just trying to help.


          • #6
            well you want a quiet pub/club
            so mabey a coutry style pub
            is the one just off the a19 neer sharpley the roadside mate ?
            its a nice place quiet and friendley


            • #7

              anyone know the name of the pub. all i know is when you leave sharpley and head towards seaham its on the right just before the slip road for the a19its only about 1mile from sharpley. can everyone make friday?

