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Cart wings

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  • Cart wings

    Daft question but am assuming that unlike the sausages you don't need to keep them wrapped on the hook. Just out of the cling film and whipped straight to the hook?

  • #2

    Never used the wings on their own myself mate but a pal of mine salts his before the freezer and when defrosted on a session he just whips them on as you would a peeler.
    “I think I fish, in part, because it’s an anti-social, bohemian business that, when gone about properly, puts you forever outside the mainstream culture without actually landing you in an institution.”


    • #3
      Get the excess water off the wings, then put them on a 1cm layer of salt in a container then cover them with another cm of salt you can build up the layers till all the wings are covered. Leave for a day or so, then repeat the process with fresh salt till the wings are dried out.
      I just do it a couple of times, brush off the salt, then freeze them. But if you totally dry them out they'll store in the fridge. You can whip them onto the hook whole, or cut the bigger ones up with scissors, no need for clingfilm.


      • #4
        Cheers lads, appreciate it.


        • #5
          Despite being sceptical about cart over the last couple of years I've done well lately with the cart wings. Had a couple of sized cod out today on the pier with them.
          People who live in glass houses have to answer the door.


          • #6
            No need for loads of salt just dry them out properly when you do them. If you buy them then the going rate seems to be 80p per wing. I prefer it to the sausages as it's easier to prepare and keep when you take it out on a session although when I do mine I keep the pure coral and make into sausages once it has dried out and most of the water has gone.
            Century Eliminator T900
            Century Eliminator T800
            Century Tip Tornado Sport
            Shimano Technium MGS XS-B x 2
            Penn Spin Fisher 7500LC x 2


            • #7
              Feeling out of touch here but what are cart wings? Crab cant fly so where the hell do wings come from?


              • #8
                Full inside of the crab Jamie.
                Century Eliminator T900
                Century Eliminator T800
                Century Tip Tornado Sport
                Shimano Technium MGS XS-B x 2
                Penn Spin Fisher 7500LC x 2


                • #9
                  Jamie,its the new soft shell inside the hard shell.


                  • #10
                    Ah! Peeler or softies then...technically, just called summick different then.


                    • #11
                      'Cart wings' is a new one for me! I've never even used plain cart yet.


                      • #12
                        a cart wing is the left and right side of a brown crab either side of the pocket they are salted to firm up so 1 crab has 2 wings, very close alternatives to eater peeler.


                        • #13
                          tried these today on the pier along with blacks maki and mussel not a bite apart from a Tommy fish finger
                          Fish good, Fish hard
                          if you blank then lie lie lie.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CosmicCat View Post
                            tried these today on the pier along with blacks maki and mussel not a bite apart from a Tommy fish finger
                            Cart wings was top bait in seaham open yesterday as fished 3-5 yards from the pier wall never seen nowt like it
                            Weapons of choice
                            ZZiplex Bullit Sport (brown unground model)
                            Penn Mag 525 Slidey
                            Abu 7500 c3 ct Blue

                            P-B Cod 14lb 12oz North pier Seaham

