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Blyth 31/12/2015.

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  • Blyth 31/12/2015.

    Well lads sick to death of her indoors so said bugger it im off fishing lol.
    Stopped at Frasers for some rag and Bluey and decided on a trip to Blyth. Was thinking Middle bogs. Got there as tide going out along with a thousand dog walkers. Couple of casts into surf but sunlight to bright and did not feel right so decided on pier.
    Short ride along and saw couple lads coming off who said wind was bad and they had blanked so opted for beach. Had one Codling 2lb 7oz. Packed up as it got dark and tide came in.
    As I loaded car heard some nice cod caught off pier----story of my life again. Still a couple of nice fillets in the freezer.
    Tight lines Mick.
    Personal best, 12.5lb Tope Scotland. 22/05/2012.

  • #2
    well done for effort and you got a canny one atleast

