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Argyll fishing

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  • Argyll fishing

    Well Lynn was fit enough for a wee trip over the Clyde to Strone in Argyll and after I drove to Gourock, we caught the ferry to Dunoon. It was a scorcher today, the hottest of this 10 day spell for sure. On the ferry I took these of the outdoor pool and the yacht club in Gourock.

    Once we arrived at Dunoon we had a 30 minute wait for the bus to Strone - on Sunday there is only one every 2 hrs(3hrs over lunchtime), so we were there for either 3 or 5 hours.

    A couple from Dunoon.

    We arrived at Stone pier 30 mins before high tide, it was such a beautiful day and a yacht race was in progress.

    Lynn wasn't fishing, so she got comfortable.

    I was dressed for the hot weather and went for bright, rather than co-ordinated!

    The fishing? Well it is a bit early for Mackerel on the Clyde, but with the last 10 days of hot, settled weather I had hopes that they may have swum up the river early. My first two casts suggested otherwise, but then on the third, bingo! Fantastic, my first fish since last August, pretty small, but I thought I was in for a great hour or two..............................How wrong I was!

    That was it for the day! Oh well I wasn't that bothered, the weather was great, the scenery better and a couple of fish, so I has happy enough.

    I gave up casting and took a few more photos.

    So we moved to plan B(which to be honest, was really plan A all along!) and we retired to the pub at the end of the pier.

    The 3 hour session became a 5 hour session, as we decided it was too lovely to get the 330pm bus and we got the 530pm one instead!!

    Last couple of photos on the 6pm ferry home.

    Home now, sun burnt but happy!
    2016 - Cod, Dab, Dogfish, Gurnard, Ling, Mackerel, Saithe, Scorpian fish. .

  • #2
    used to fish kilmun pier - very productive, whereas strone was a tackle graveyard. weather looked good, and the pub reminded me of the kilmun hotel. well done for getting out there.


    • #3
      Great pics n lovely like your socks


      • #4
        Unfortunately Kilmun pier is now owned by Western Ferries to tie up their spare ferry, so fenced off, chained up and the hotel is long gone I'm afraid, now flats.

        Lynn gave me some amount of grief for wearing socks with crocs!!
        Last edited by kayos; 09-06-2016, 06:40 PM.
        2016 - Cod, Dab, Dogfish, Gurnard, Ling, Mackerel, Saithe, Scorpian fish. .


        • #5
          good stuff mark--nice to see Lynn getting out and about!!!!!!!


          • #6
            Great report, and some cracking photos as usual Mark. Nice one.
            Demons run when a good man goes to war...


            • #7
              cracking pics m8
              have you got a cloth


              • #8
                Looks like you had a cracking day and that's what it's all about really !

