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  • Roker

    Decided to have a few hours on roker this mornin sea looked perfect not a ripple fancied my chances but it never produced seemed strange as there was plenty of sprat there aswell did however whitness a group of dolphins swimming close into the pier which was fantastic 2 watch also bumped into the flatty man micky off here nice 2 meet u mate some canny crack and useful advice cheers, did'nt see a great deal of makeral coming in there was only the odd 1 now and again so all in all a very poor morning but seeing the dolphins jumping out for a good 20 minutes made up for it. Tight lines, John
    Pb 13lb 14 oz Cod July 2016

  • #2
    Would of loved to have seen the dolphins, i was down for first light on wed morning, few getting caught but not a great deal, seen fish jumping and loads of sprat in the water.
    target of 10 codling this season and gonna try for a pig!!!!1

    Cheers Justin


    • #3
      it was a sight to behold, seen many pods of dolphins before but never as big a pod as this morning, they must have numbered in the hundreds, very hard to guestimate but they were there from about 20yds out to as far as the eye could see going past for 15 to 20 mins.


      • #4
        gonna give Roker a go on Sunday me thinks


        • #5

          Would of been great to see the dolphins Jonny h. m8 but its them thats kept the mackerel at bay as they wont come near them so you were lucky to see the odd ones caught here and there.


          • #6
            Quiet a few Mackerel on Roker this Afternoon as well as Pollock and Coalfish ...
            Angling Trust/UKCC Level 2 Sea Angling and Coarse Fishing Coach at or follow us on Facebook

            Facebook - Andy Copeland ( Fishing Republic )


            • #7
              oh johnny boy the pipes the pipes are calling! oh johnny boy, maki allover down here matey!
              You Hurd the man tubs...get undressed !


              • #8
                funny wasnt there when we were there....
                Punch and pull then let rip

                NESA Lure Fishing Challenge 2011 Winner

                UK species : Cod, Whiting, Poor Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Coalie, Pollack, Rockling, Bass, Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Grannylasher, Pouting, Launce, Weaver, Sandeel, Ballan wrasse. eelpout

                Global species: jewfish/big eye croaker,catfish(Sagor/African/Silver), whip ray, snapper, grouper, pufferfish,threadfin, trevally,stingray, mangrove shark, flowerhorn,

                2014 combo:
                Kompressor SS /slosh30
                tt sport /525 mag


                • #9
                  shhh man! hahaha we catch all the fish down here! them massive invisible weightless ones every cast!

                  the "uufff" is doused with maki atm, i dont like the climb tho hahaha
                  You Hurd the man tubs...get undressed !

