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Locked up for 90 days on the whim of the Gissies

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  • Locked up for 90 days on the whim of the Gissies

    Not happening HA Ha Ha.

    If you suspect someone of terrorism but can\'t prove it, but really know they\'re guilty (Guilford 4 etc.) just do what you\'ve always done. Illegally tap their phones, monitor them on a few of our 6 MILLION cctv cameras (Best in the world). Access their e-mails (Allowed) force people to spill the beans about them on pain of prosecution or just follow them 3 steps behind wherever they go. Job done.

    **** you Tony
    "I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
    Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"

  • #2
    i gather you dont like mr blair



    • #3
      I hate everyone and everything at present m8, time of the month (i.e it is a month and I hate everything in it)
      "I mock thee not, though I by thee am mockéd.
      Thou call'st me madman, but I call thee blockhead"


      • #4
        Unfortunately Charlie, the first time a suspected terrorist is released after 28 days because the security forces didn`t have time to their job properly, then goes on to blow up more innocent folk, who will be the first ones to bleat about the government not protecting the citizens?

        The tossers who voted against the 90 days rule, thats who !

        Because they haven`t listened to the voters on this, I hope they find the voters don`t listen to them come the next election.
        Demons run when a good man goes to war...


        • #5
          Always remember......if the Tories vote against it, it must be good for the rest of the country.

          Demons run when a good man goes to war...


          • #6
            if terrorists and are awaiting sentence or or the police have reason or beleive that they could be a threat they should lose all civil and human rights!. anyone who murders or kills inocent people dont deserve rights. this country is far to soft, iv\'e suppotrd labour since i was a teenager but tony blairs labour its B****cks.
            90 days!!!!! to short!!!!!!


            • #7
              If you trust your police 100% then no problems.

              What about the two Liverpool lads fishing in the docks last year, what were they charged with then, it certainly was not tresspass.

              Remember, some people are alive simply because it is illegal to shoot them.


              • #8
                even the police dont trust themselves and that comes from two pals of mine who are x coppers lol, but seriously its not alaughing matter. it was at the time when they told me



                • #9
                  90 Days???? I thought they just emptied the full mag into suspects!

                  Cheers, Keith.


                  • #10
                    Lol at keith :P . Think Jim hit the nail on the head with \"Trust\" , remember the poor old boy who was lifted out of the \"Labour\" conference and then arrested under the terrorism act? They could of banged him up for 90 days if so desired . If anyone has complete trust in the police , just remember the miners strike

                    On a different note , I had my car broken in to yesterdayand rang the police . No one came out and i\'m still waiting for a crime number after a faithful promise to ring back \"After 5 mins\"- still waiting .


                    • #11
                      Unfortunately Charlie, the first time a suspected terrorist is released after 28 days because the security forces didn`t have time to their job properly, then goes on to blow up more innocent folk, who will be the first ones to bleat about the government not protecting the citizens?

                      The tossers who voted against the 90 days rule, thats who !

                      Because they haven`t listened to the voters on this, I hope they find the voters don`t listen to them come the next election.
                      lets just lock em away indefinately then, works in guantanamo bay??

                      the law as it stands does allow people to be held for 90 days, they just hold em for 14 (now 28 days) then go to a judge and ask for another 28 days, and another and another. whats wrong with that

                      I wonder if the liverpool anglers were in favour of it?? the same law that saw them arrested for fishing could of had them in the chokey for 3 months, no questions asked and no recourse to the law when it realised they\'d made a mistake

                      the finer points of this particular bill were the fact that there would be exepmtion from the Prima Facae evidence act, meaning that plod does not have to show any just cause for holding them and does not have to declare what, if any avenues their investigation is following, basically lock em away and never need to justify it. The solictor that you find to represent you is also not entitled to see any of the evidence they may or may not have, and if he does see any he is not allowed to speak to anyone about it or investigate it, and any conversations you might have with your solicitor cannot be repeated to any one anywhere, and that include to an aappeals court, so you get a banged up, you tell your solictor your innocent because xxxxx, but if he tries to appeal and days he is apppealing because xxxx he is in contempt of court and guilt of breaking the same law, and of contravening the amended RIP act, for which he can get 10 years in the chokey

                      So the point is that getting banged up for 90 days is one thing, having every right removed to enable you to attempt to prove your innocence is another

                      And all it might take is some one to ring up special branch and say that you\'re an Al Queida operative and off you go
                      ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ.

                      Thought for the day:
                      Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything but bring a smile to your face when thrown down the stairs

                      Converting an MFV Fifie trawler type thing.


                      • #12
                        Part of the problem lies as to what they class as \'terrorism\'.

                        I bet 75% or more of us could be arrested and held if they ever get this stupid law passed eventually, just for doing things we are doing already in our everyday lives.

                        If they wan\'t to charge you for something and can\'t find owt else, this is where it will be used.

                        Scrap the lot of it.


                        • #13
                          Yes, VERY scary Mark.

                          Remember, some people are alive simply because it is illegal to shoot them.


                          • #14
                            We`ve been here once before ............... to get rid of someone you disliked was easy ....... call them a \"witch\"

                            Thought we`d progressed from there , but obviously not. !
                            ]` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` )
                            . . ,,,,,,___[ ~ \___
                            ,,;;`` [_________/-,......... Norman.........


                            • #15
                              We`ve been here once before ............... to get rid of someone you disliked was easy ....... call them a \"witch\"
                              Blinking Heck Norman, you must be even older than I thought!

                              Cheers, Keith.

