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NVQ Level 2 in 1 hour....

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  • #16
    got all mine for floorlaying health and safety etc what a load of bull, been asked to produce them twice. durham nick and gleesons job at discovery museum in the toon.
    have you got a cloth


    • #17

      cant even start a job without them

      hartlepool power station
      armed guards on now
      lush fish and chips on a friday though
      mind you the mushy peas
      arent arf green



      • #18
        We\'re going through a program of NVQ\'s at our place as well ,level 2 and 3 ,on instruction from the examiners the students are told to read through the workbooks and all of the answers are there !
        The company I work for gets a grant from the government of around £200 per person completing the course ( which is insulting to anyone with intelligence ) and as there are around 4 to 5000 employees I reckon it\'s a canny little earner eh .
        thought that for a while Steve about the grant,a mates wife got £150 cheque from work for doing hers,it was optional but with the back hander they had 100% taking part,we had 70% at our firm
        Cheers Alan...


        • #19
          safety awareness training or testing.
          We had roofers working directly above us today and ineviably one of us got a tile of the heed (not hurt). This was brought to the attention of the site manger and we thought he would organize something...........wrong! His exact words were

          \"The brickies and the roofers should have a big fight and the hardest gets to work in this area. I wont mind, in fact, I\'ll quite enjoy it\".

          I questioned his attitude and he said

          \"Netto\'s are selling 8 cans for a fiver, get urself away and chill out

          Then he went up on the roof and told the roofers that the brickies were gonna fill them in at bait time and on his way back down he told us that the roofers were gonna have us at bait time.

          We seen the roofers in the shop and they agreed to move around the corner \'til Monday so we can finish our side safely. Who needs managers lol?

          BTW the site manager is a great guy and i\'m not putting him down here. This is just an example of what happens in the real world

          Ha coz just 2day my mate got a concrete tile off the heed again syopo
          Regards, Graham


          • #20
            and some mixture of extreme sticks and one man killed his brother in macdonalds
            Regards, Graham


            • #21
              haha lmfol


              • #22
                health and safety at work memo

                everyone must take at least a half hour lunch
                between 12.00-2.00
                due to tiredness at work
                but it doesnt come into force until 1st january 2006
                if that was the case wouldnt you think it would come in to force tomorrow

                they make the rules up as they go along



                • #23
                  And to add to the CSCS debate...

                  If you do not have this card....

                  A) Most of the big building firms will not take you on with out it..

                  B) If you do work on a major site without the card and have a accident might not be able to claim for it as it invalidates the public liabilities insurance.

                  C) And if you cause injury you could be prosecuted as a criminal if you do not have a current and valid card.

                  How do I see me for your test.

                  yes it is her.


                  • #24
                    got mine
                    ive also got my health and safety passport supervisors ticket
                    and a wallet of others we need for heavy industry
                    mobile platform ticket
                    harness trained
                    scaffold trained
                    welding trained
                    electronics trained
                    the list goes on
                    ive not got any room in my wallet for money

                    [Edited on 2/12/2005 by sless]



                    • #25
                      And to add to the CSCS debate...

                      If you do not have this card....

                      A) Most of the big building firms will not take you on with out it..

                      B) If you do work on a major site without the card and have a accident might not be able to claim for it as it invalidates the public liabilities insurance.

                      C) And if you cause injury you could be prosecuted as a criminal if you do not have a current and valid card.

                      How do I see me for your test.
                      The role of the contempoary saftey officer is to reduce claims against the company and our safety is not their priority. if it is allowed i will post pics (everday) of danger in the workplace that you wont believe.
                      Regards, Graham


                      • #26
                        \"danger in the workplace pics\". when i did my city and guilds and served my time (5 years) many years ago as a joiner we saw many many pics and films on that subject
                        as a youngun it was all food for thought and still have all me fingers plenty scars but all me fingers to this day. do ya remember the old joiners saying that you are not a proper joiner till you have lost a finger..... b****cks . graham i dont know if this post applies to whats been talked aboutbut i\'m drinking and it brought back memmories lol



                        • #27
                          Aye Mark I remember when tools were made of wood and men were made of steel. . How things have changed
                          Regards, Graham


                          • #28
                            i would say 90% of safety officers have had a bad accident in the workplace
                            working in a lot of heavy industrial sites and being inducted it always seems to be men with limps,fingers off
                            and one bloke at corus has even lost an arm



                            • #29
                              Good point Sless. When an industrial machine mangles soneonee they can be the safety man and tell us how much it hurts instead of being in the sick but if you lose a arm I would join the army and if you lose a leg get leggless
                              Regards, Graham

