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No rubbish from Dustybin

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  • No rubbish from Dustybin

    Hi all, had the great pleasure to meet NESA member Dustybin on Saturday. I just wanted to say I bought some of his weights of various kinds ... Very happy with my purchases ...... Quality is fantastic ! Dustybin is a top fella too, I was invited into "the office" like a kid in a sweet shop ...... Highly recomended !

    Having a debate about when it's best to fillet a fish ? I understand to gut ASAP as the fish is decomposing ... Filleting is hard on a boat in a swell .... Any thoughts about fish firming the day after ??? Cheers all

    Once again Cheers Dustybin

  • #2

    I always used to put the gutted fish in the fridge until the next day and found it firmer and much easier to fillet.


    • #3
      I prefer to head and gut at sea then put in fridge over night, flesh is really firm next day and fillets well, I have treated myself to a decent size ice box that just fits nice on the boat, put fish straight into it with 2 bags of ice mixed with a bucket is sea water, even after a full day and lots of fish the water is still ice cold and the fish are like they have just come out of the water, I know people say gut straight away but I find keeping like this is fine and then you can clean them all together.

      I really must contact Dustybin for some leads!! Messaged him a couple of times before but never managed to get over to have a look!!


      • #4
        Hi skingz his rep precedes him lol good lad from what I've been told regarding your fish....gutted fish stop the worms leaving the fishes gut once they sense the fish is dead, burying into the flesh. Harmless once cooked but yukki to look at on side of your plate...


        • #5

          I see all kinds of practice ...from people punching fish to stun them ... People who leave it to thrash around .... The short sharp knocks on the head.... Whacking off the boat side .... Strange if you ask me .... Surely a stiff whack with the priest or similar .....


          • #6
            Fish is best to be bled ie cut their throats gut and fillet day later
            PB SHORE COD 9LB 14oz seaton sluice 3/11/12
            PB BOAT COD 9lb 15oz
            PB COALIE 9lb 8oz
            PB LING 7lb 8oz


            • #7
              Just picked up some weights from Dusty an hour ago

              Absolutely top quality, you will not find better in any tackle shop. Also has every weight you can think of with plenty in stock.
              Not to mention prices are also fantastic, he provides an invaluable service to us fishermen and if your not local he is worth the drive
              Best shore catch 2016 - 7.5lb cod, Seaton Carew!
              CS RNLI representative –


              • #8
                met dusty a couple of times,and have seen his guy and topclass products


                • #9
                  Got to agree dusty keeps Northstar supplied with sinkers rippers and fast drops always first class wouldn't get them anywhere else

