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Blyth sac match 21/09/11

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  • Blyth sac match 21/09/11

    Blyth sac match 21/09/11

    9 fished

    1st, leigh crithcley, 4lb 3 3/8 oz, 3 mackeral, 1 flattie, blyth
    2nd, chris kell, 4lb 3 oz, 4 coialies, lynemouth
    3rd, ian greenacre, 2lb 4 oz, codling 3 whiting, tyne
    4th, mick hardy, 1lb 15 oz, 2 whiting, 1 coalie, blyth
    5th, rob eltringham, 8 oz whiting, tyne
    6th, nigel howitt, 5oz whiting, lynemouth

    heaviest fish

    leigh critchley 1lb 3 3/4 oz mackeral

  • #2
    3 mackrel whats the world coming to! Though they were outlawed in club matches and opens ! Corr you,ll have some cracking weigh ins this next few weeks


    • #3
      the club allows a maximum of three mackerel, and the lad actually caught them fair and square on lug and maccy strip at the middle toilets on blyth beach. i think eveyone was suprised.
      If they aint there you cant catch em


      • #4
        Originally posted by sidblank View Post
        the club allows a maximum of three mackerel, and the lad actually caught them fair and square on lug and maccy strip at the middle toilets on blyth beach. i think eveyone was suprised.
        tynemouth also has a small limit on mackerl ,steve hardy had 3 on blyth beach fishing for whiting ,if your tipping off with maccy or bluey no surprise. davy
        COD 21-15-0 Tynemouth pier R/M match
        COD 20-4-0 Sharpness, Tynemouth open
        Ballan Wrasse 5-6-0 Seahouses summer league
        Pollock 11-5-8 ST Abbs Spinning sandeel
        Dogfish 2-15-14 Tynemouth pier match R/M
        Coaly 3-5-8 Tynemouth pier match r/m
        Cod =, Coaly, Whiten, Dab, Flounder, Plaice, Gurnard, Weaver, Rockling, Pouting, Wrasse, Mackerel, Sea scorpion, all of tynemouth pier


        • #5
          makes you feel sick when you go out for the cod and have it beat by macky for heaviest fish :s, the same happened the other week along time member caught macky but thought it was daft to weight them in so put them back (he knew the rules and knew he could weight them in).... i would do the same to be honest.
          They shouldnt allow it but hey ho thats the way it goes i guess, just hope i dont see one on the next weight in other wise am on the pier spinning lol


          • #6
            This has exposed a loophole in our rules as the 3 mackeral limit is only for the summer league. It has never been necessary for the winter league until now so any caught are within our rules and fair game.

            As SIDBLANK mentions the ones caught this week were not targeted just a bonus when fishing on the beach for flatties.


            • #7
              I had one very upset lad with me after the weigh in on wednesday lol which i do see his side to having his codling beat by a macky in a match....... just saying it doesnt sound right lol but i guess rules are rules even if they do suck!!

              Any chance of the loophole getting adjusted next year?


              • #8
                Any chance of the loophole getting adjusted next year?[/QUOTE]

                bring it up at the agm in may

                if my macky hadnt of been heavier chris kell had a coalie that was bigger than ians codlin so why the fuss???????
                Last edited by critchaz; 25-09-2011, 07:12 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by critchaz View Post
                  Any chance of the loophole getting adjusted next year?
                  bring it up at the agm in may

                  if my macky hadnt of been heavier chris kell had a coalie that was bigger than ians codlin so why the fuss???????[/QUOTE]

                  i aint fussing lol its just one of them things aint it.... not your fault the you got hf with a macky its the stupid loophole. putting mine and ians thought across about the loophole has nothing against you, straight to the point i dont think they would be weighed in at all.

                  Chris kell did have a bigger coalie but what am saying has nothing to do with who wins as am on about the loophole.


                  • #10

                    [QUOTE=kelp;301279]3 mackerel whats the world coming to! Though they were outlawed in club matches and opens ! Corr you,ll have some cracking weigh ins this next few weeks [/QUOT can not understand why a sea fish can be outlawed in a competition. if mackerel are there then why can thay not be weighed in. after all its a sea fishing competition and the mackerel is a sea fish i think any way i would rather eat a mackerel than a flounder any daytheirs more to sea fishing than COD


                    • #11
                      the thing with mackrel is its a bait that we all use , i emphsise Bait , heres one for you (devils advocate) a guy walks onto a beach with three or four mackrel as bait which he caught earlier on the day and catches nothing during his comp whats to stop him weighing them in? not gutted , even if there as stiff as boards all mackrel are after ten mins of killing.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kelp View Post
                        the thing with mackrel is its a bait that we all use , i emphsise Bait , heres one for you (devils advocate) a guy walks onto a beach with three or four mackrel as bait which he caught earlier on the day and catches nothing during his comp whats to stop him weighing them in? not gutted , even if there as stiff as boards all mackrel are after ten mins of killing.
                        Gotta agree there like I dont like the idea of macky gettin weighed in as ya say I only fish for em for bait mate
                        Nothing makes a fish bigger than ALMOST being caught

