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Electronic cigarettes

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  • Electronic cigarettes

    has anyone on here successfully given up smoking using these e cigs/ shisha pen jobbies? which one did yourself use ? m thinking of it but so many about .
    Punch and pull then let rip

    NESA Lure Fishing Challenge 2011 Winner

    UK species : Cod, Whiting, Poor Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Coalie, Pollack, Rockling, Bass, Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Grannylasher, Pouting, Launce, Weaver, Sandeel, Ballan wrasse. eelpout

    Global species: jewfish/big eye croaker,catfish(Sagor/African/Silver), whip ray, snapper, grouper, pufferfish,threadfin, trevally,stingray, mangrove shark, flowerhorn,

    2014 combo:
    Kompressor SS /slosh30
    tt sport /525 mag

  • #2
    I'm currently using them at the minute mate....although i still smoke now and then.I will eventually pack in though using them,i was sceptical about them at first but they do work.i currently use an ego t battery with a tank system on top does me spot on plenty vapour and flavour.....also use a joytech eroll now and then when im out resembles a cig in size not colour.....and for home use got a vamo.This might be all jiberish too you mate lol but look them up and it'll give you an idea of my kit.


    • #3
      I love a tab when fishing me like. ..


      • #4
        I was a heavy cigar smoker for many years ( inhaled them as well). I had my last cigar last March and started using SMOKE RELIEF electronic cigarettes. They were the cheapest by far and tasted OK for electronic stuff.

        Starter Kits - Deluxe Rechargeable eCigarette Kit - Deluxe Rechargeable eCigarette Kit (DEL-KIT) from Smoke Relief

        Hope the link works .

        I bought a couple of refills then just bought the refill juice off the web and refilled at a fraction of the cost.

        You still need willpower but these realy take the edge off if you suffer withdrawal symptoms. I stayed on them for 3 months and have since been on the nicorette mouth spray which I get on prescription. I am using this less and less as time goes on. Another couple months and I should have it cracked.

        Good luck.
        Last edited by fozally; 18-01-2014, 08:34 PM.
        A bad days fishing is better than a good day at work.


        • #5
          The ones that look loje cigs are ****e the ones u fill up yourself a much better


          • #6
            Cant beat a smoke while out fishing, saf if your gonna quit go cold turkey its the only way to quit altogether, i went cold turkey took 4days then i was done! 9month later i fancyed a tab been smoking again since, haha cant halp it i enjoy a smoke
            You Hurd the man tubs...get undressed !


            • #7
              I never get colds but stopped smoking in 05 for 6 months and got a streamer that lasted a week never had one since I started again
              still smoking rollies mixed with Green Smoke electronic tabs and don't smoke anywhere near as much now


              • #8
                [QUOTE=tinman;658472]Cant beat a smoke while out fishing, saf if your gonna quit go cold turkey its the only way to quit altogether, i went cold turkey took 4days then i was done! 9month later i fancyed a tab been smoking again since, haha cant halp it i enjoy a smoke[/Q
                just thinking for health reasons mate, i m getting old now lol....n alsp thinking to maybe have one more season rugby/aussie rules . starting my diet and all tomorrow ... just wanting to know what i can substitute smoking with like.....u gonna fish anytime soon ?
                Punch and pull then let rip

                NESA Lure Fishing Challenge 2011 Winner

                UK species : Cod, Whiting, Poor Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Coalie, Pollack, Rockling, Bass, Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Grannylasher, Pouting, Launce, Weaver, Sandeel, Ballan wrasse. eelpout

                Global species: jewfish/big eye croaker,catfish(Sagor/African/Silver), whip ray, snapper, grouper, pufferfish,threadfin, trevally,stingray, mangrove shark, flowerhorn,

                2014 combo:
                Kompressor SS /slosh30
                tt sport /525 mag


                • #9
                  yes mate I quit on 12 October I used the elites I did a week on red tips and a week on gold four it took the edge of the craving the top shop in horden sell them 8quid and a replacement filter pack is 8 quid a pack of filters will last 2 days I I never had it out my mouth lol also the nicotine gum is good for a fast cravin crusher on a mourning

                  You can do it mate
                  Species CAUGHT : Codling,Mackerel, Coalie,Dab,,smooth hound,spotted hound, Sea Scorpion, Rockling , Whiting


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by codcatcher3000 View Post
                    has anyone on here successfully given up smoking using these e cigs/ shisha pen jobbies? which one did yourself use ? m thinking of it but so many about .
                    Try the pipe and fill it full of st Bruno you'll spew ya ring up and you'll never touch another snout


                    • #11
                      I use a ego battery, with a evod or clearo in top,
                      12mg tobbaco as my all day vape, and 18mg mary jane as my home vape.

                      Never touched a stinkie for 12 weeks now and feel better for it, get yout juice
                      from a place called fog on tyne, cheep as chips, costs me about £7 a week for
                      my nicotene addiction.
                      If its got t1ts or tyres, its gonna be trouble.

                      If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrical problem


                      • #12
                        our lass was using one mate, doing really good on them but then one of her pals told her that they were just as bad as real tabs cos theyre supposed to leave a coating on your lungs and that the doctors were unsure about them otherwise youd be able to get them on prescription, don't know if theirs any truth in it like, anyway she stopped using the electronic tab and is back on the real ones again!


                        • #13
                          i gotta feeling its more of a needing a puff from time to time for me asi can quite comfotable go without a tab til tea time. its after tea tab that i crave apart from that that its smoking for smoking sake. saw some shisha pens rechatgeable for about a tenner with menthol flavors. anyone tried these shisha pens ?
                          Punch and pull then let rip

                          NESA Lure Fishing Challenge 2011 Winner

                          UK species : Cod, Whiting, Poor Cod, Whiting, Mackerel, Coalie, Pollack, Rockling, Bass, Plaice, Flounder, Dab, Grannylasher, Pouting, Launce, Weaver, Sandeel, Ballan wrasse. eelpout

                          Global species: jewfish/big eye croaker,catfish(Sagor/African/Silver), whip ray, snapper, grouper, pufferfish,threadfin, trevally,stingray, mangrove shark, flowerhorn,

                          2014 combo:
                          Kompressor SS /slosh30
                          tt sport /525 mag


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mick303 View Post
                            our lass was using one mate, doing really good on them but then one of her pals told her that they were just as bad as real tabs cos theyre supposed to leave a coating on your lungs and that the doctors were unsure about them otherwise youd be able to get them on prescription, don't know if theirs any truth in it like, anyway she stopped using the electronic tab and is back on the real ones again!
                            In the nanny state we live in now, what aint bad for you now ?
                            Health and safety gone mad, the goverment and the EU dont like e-ciggs
                            thats a fact.
                            But then think of the tax they are losing out on ! Its a no brainer.

                            Anyone thinking of giving them a go heres a few facts and figures for you
                            Shisha Vibe is the UK’s leading Vape store providing vaping hardware, E-Liquids and Vape Starter kits since 2013.

                            Last edited by neil9629; 21-01-2014, 07:11 PM. Reason: link added
                            If its got t1ts or tyres, its gonna be trouble.

                            If you can't fix it with a hammer, you have an electrical problem


                            • #15
                              just missed a program on them on ITV its repeated at 20:30 ITV plus 1 . worth watching find out what's in them
                              Last edited by gregsgt; 23-01-2014, 08:05 PM.
                              Species CAUGHT : Codling,Mackerel, Coalie,Dab,,smooth hound,spotted hound, Sea Scorpion, Rockling , Whiting

