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  • best

    Well long live the memory of Best.

  • #2
    Sad day for his family and friends,excellent talent....................shame about his private life,I would have been gutted if one of my family missed out on a Liver transplant because of him,hindsight is a wonderful thing I suppose
    Cheers Alan...


    • #3
      agree there alan, what a waste ot time, money and resources and the publicity, i would not have given it more than a few lines. And i wonder how donors feel about it, a liver that could have saved somebody who would have made the effort. Then that is my opinion.


      • #4
        suprised he lasted this long.

        Only slightly positive thing is that the nhs didn\'t treat him.

        Sad that its his lifestyle he\'ll be remebered for not his game Give gazza 15 years and he\'ll be in the same boat,
        ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ.

        Thought for the day:
        Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything but bring a smile to your face when thrown down the stairs

        Converting an MFV Fifie trawler type thing.


        • #5
          So from the above replies i take it you would have seen the man die earlier - what if he turned it down and then the \"other \" person got splattered by a truck , then could that not be a total waste - i know you will shoot me down on this ,but haway lads ,yes he went back on the drink ,but he had an illness - its not as if he has`nt been through the mill - and his liver is in an acceptable state to be used again (they dont do it ,but if they did they could) - he died due to the treatment that he was taking to make sure his body didnt reject the liver - his kidneys and something else - then he started to haemorrhage internally - no way back - so his liver didnt kill him lads it was other factors -

          Thats my opinion


          • #6



            • #7
              if he did\'nt have a drink problem he would still be alive,why did he go back on the drink after his transplant,it was self inflicted,hindsight is a wonderful thing
              Cheers Alan...


              • #8
                his life his choice.just feel for his family and friends at this bestie


                • #9
                  he should be used as an example to youngsters, one as a shining example his footballing skill and the other, to let them know what happens when you drink to much regardless of who you are.
                  BriH if a transplantee got splattered by a truck this was unavoidable, would prodably have happened with or without a transplant. Why George Best did was avoidable, disease or no disease, self inflicted.

                  [Edited on 25/11/2005 by Charlton]


                  • #10
                    His life. He had an illness, but like he said himself, he\'ll not be remebered for the cars he drove, the women he bedded or what he drank, he\'ll be remembered for his football, and the pleasure he gave to millions who watched him.

                    He was an alcoholic. Its an illness. How can you put someone down for having an illness?

                    Rest in Peace George, just wish I\'d had the pleasure to see you play.


                    • #11
                      Yea Davy he ceratinly was worth watching some of the things he did on the field will never be done again. And i still think that when he kicked the ball away from Gordon Banks to score, only for the referee to disallow it was a miscarriage of justice of the highest degree. Think it was just because it had never been done before and to do it against the great banksie, well the ref had no other option. O we just cant have a cheeky little irish lad doing that to our mister Banks can we.


                      • #12
                        Just been watching the programme on BBC1 about him Alan. The ball was glued to his feet....fantastic.


                        • #13
                          Agree with bri and sless , feel sorry for the bloke . Its the multinational drinks corporations that should be in the dock for ruining not only his life but many others . While we are on the subject , funny they are big party donours and hey presto 24hr drinking is now ok .


                          • #14
                            Al , the first point you made and Alan was it was a Total waste to give him a new liver - what i am saying is it was a total SUCCESS and if it wasnt for the medication messing with the rest of his body , the Drink wouldnt have done his liver in at all - after all it was from a moderate drinker ,so would have been brand new - just dont understand how people pigeon hole certain curcumstances and feel that it would have gone to better use with somebody differant. After all he did try to give up the drink with them stomach implants - maybe he should have just kept on drinking and died earlier.


                            • #15
                              I\'m not knocking the blokes talent and I\'m sorry for his family that he\'s gone,he was a wife beater,a alcoholic and a drink driver more than once,he was giving help to survive and abused it.I agree with Dave as well its a disease/illness and I would\'nt wish it on anyone
                              Cheers Alan...

