will powell
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  • hello Will,,I'm interested in the tournament casting but cant see any venues to the dates can you advise ? best regards Billy.
    hello u ok like a was wondering when the redcar casting meets are on a was gunna have a pop down if its ok
    Hello there was just wondering if you have ever cast a gb3 or the gb3 light if so what your thoughts are on them
    Hi Will
    Great talking to you today ... and even greater that you will be able to come to the show in October this year. Meant to say to you to have a look at the website North East Sea Angling and Boat Show ... there are some good pictures of the surfcasting demonstrations etc.
    hello there, not sure if you recieved my last message?
    anyway i was told to contact youself about information about tournament casting.
    ive just recently joined nesa and am interested in doing some casting.
    my mobile is 07896154770 or id be happy to give you a call.
    dave craig
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