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seaham pier

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  • seaham pier

    hi lads
    does any one know if seahams north pier has been openned
    read a post on a site saying after two years of dispute with dock company they have reopenned it.

  • #2
    I think it was in the Sunlun eko that the pier was reopening.Don\'t know when tho\'.


    • #3
      I was talking to a mate from seaham, he says the dock company is being sold and the new owners are re-opening talks with anglers regarding fishing on seaham peir.
      Many a true word is said in jest!


      • #4
        I\'ve just heard from a good source that the Docks have been taken over by someone and that the new owner is going to allow Anglers to fish it but at their own risk. They\'ve apparently built some new platform of some sort and a new road down to the Pier too. The new owner is apparently having talks with local Anglers and are lookin g at the safety aspect before they go ahead so it\'s looking good for Seaham Anglers
        I treat others as I expect to be treated myself and expect to be treated the same way!


        • #5
          Thats great news lets just hope they do re-open the pier and that no one does anything stupid and cause them to close it again.


          • #6
            ive head that the dock company are knocking down the angling club building and building them a new oneat the entrance to the docks and that there will be a gate with a swpie card machine on it. the only people that get swipe cards are the members of seaham club and it will not be open to the public


            • #7
              Dunno if I like that idea kenny.Sounds a bit far fetched tho\'


              • #8
                got the info from a very good source who knows norman and gus who own the bait shop at seaham and help to run seaham club.ive known that the club hut was being knocked down for quite a while so it doesnt surprise me that if the new company grant access it will only be to seaham sac members.(ive heard that the club has lost something like 300 members since they lost access to the piers)


                • #9
                  thanks for info lads
                  was hoping to fish it sometime this season, have to wait till all gets finalized


                  • #10
                    Why not just join the club lads , only a tenner a year plus 2 quid for your insurance cover.We need all the members we can get.

                    [Edited on 4/10/2003 by Rod]
                    white van man


                    • #11
                      Seaham pier is open ive fished on there even when it was closed and never had any problems...i will be fishing hopefully this week wehn this wind dies down i was there last week before the bad weather and it was poor
                      The fish were mainly all small goldfish sized coalies,but im hoping that the little bit of jump we had on the water may well of set a few codlings on..


                      • #12
                        sorry bout this but....where is seaham pier?anywhere near boro and is it safe and what can you catch there.any info on any marks near middlesbrough that can be reached on public transport would be greatly appreciated.thanks alot.Ralph
                        tap tap STRIKE-snag


                        • #13
                          Seaham pier is in seaham obviously its about 5 or 6 miles south of sunderland..ive always thought the pier to be one of the best places ive fished.
                          Ive fished there all this year and had some very big bags of whiting ,alonng with the usual codlings..ive also had plaice,coalies,dogfish,floundersand ive had 5 lobsters this year also from the pier.
                          I dont know how easy it would be to get to on public sorry


                          • #14
                            Hi ralph, I live in Stillington,just down the road from you and I fish Seaham and Horden when I can.If I can next time I go I\'ll give you a buzz.Send me your E-mail.

