Introducing Myself


Staff member
Hi All,

I just wanted to introduce myself. I've taken over the running of NESA from Elton as of the 1st of January. You may or may not know me, but I've known Elton for over 20 years, and I was also good friends with Jaybee who setup this site. I have been an admin on this site for several years, purely on a technical level.

My background was starting and running for over 20 years. After a sabbatical from running websites, I got back into it again in 2019 and started a website called Talk Sea Fishing, which is a hybrid online magazine/forum.

I'm very much interested in preserving good quality content and NESA, as one of the original sea angling websites in the UK, it has a huge resource of angling information not just for fishing in the Northeast but across the UK as well.

I'm excited at the prospect of building this community back up. It won’t be an overnight job and will take a lot of hard work. Things are a lot hard now that social media such as Facebook are around. But I still believe there is mileage in forums and having websites dedicated to topics that a community can rally around.

The first thing you will have noticed are that the advertisements have gone on NESA. While my other sites do have advertising, these sites give you the option to turn those adverts off if you so wish, if you're a registered member. The last thing I want is a bad user experience, so, I find it better to give the choice to the member.

There is a lot of hard work to do on the site going forward. Unfortunately the forum software it runs on is really quite old and it does need replacing with something more modern and efficient. There will be some disruption from this change and the site might be offline for a weekend. I’m hoping to do it, this weekend.

My thoughts are that I would like to get this out of the way now, while traffic is low, rather than build up the traffic and community and then do it later, which causes even more disruption.

Obviously, it’s impossible to build up a community without the support of the community itself. With that in mind, if you have any thoughts or suggestions on how the make the site better, please do let me know. Now, until the software update is done, it is best to contact me via email on [email protected]

In the meantime, I'd like to wish you a Happy New Year!

Tight Lines

Mike Thrussell Jnr
Good luck Mike. I appreciate someone investing their time and effort supporting the site and hopefully building it back to its former vibrancy.
Looking forward to having you run the ship Mike. You have a well-deserved reputation and if anyone can do it, it'll be you. Good luck!
Hi All - a little bit of info about the new site below:

Used to love this site back in the day . Learned so much about fishing as a starter . And i am still one lol . Me and older brother used to base our trips what was posted on this website each week back in the day . And i bought alot of gear from old members selling on here and not ebay

I really hope it takes off again
I got some good tips on fishing and shots to fish more so on south shields pier, sadly over the years a lot of these older members have passed away, in those day when I first started sea fishing 1969 shields used be be one of the best places to fish and lose gear , in those days no intenet or mobile phones to get information.
joining nesa in 2013 opened up a new world of help / information from some of the members