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  • #46
    It amuses me the way the media rave about his skill and talent, yeah he had a good spell, he was never the world\'s greatest and ****ed it all against the wall by the time he was 26, the early 70\'s produced many players of equal merit but, all the media ever cared about is that he shagged 3 missed world\'s and got ****ed a lot.

    arrogant and over-rated.

    Rooney?? since when did he listen to anything except his own ego
    Mark, obviously you know f all about football.


    • #47
      Mark, obviously you know f all about football
      best apply for the sunderland managers job then, probably even get a game
      ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ.

      Thought for the day:
      Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything but bring a smile to your face when thrown down the stairs

      Converting an MFV Fifie trawler type thing.


      • #48
        how can best apply for the managers job
        he has just died
        god rest his soul



        • #49
          However great the man was, it seems a damn shame that kids are dying , waiting for a liver transplant, when he p****d 2 up against the wall.

          God rest him, and my deepest sympathies to his family and HUGE following.


          • #50
            what makes his talent even greater is hat in his era, the tackle from behind (going through somebody\'s legs) shoulder charging, two footed tackles, going for the bal ay any height with the foot where still legal. The boot where a dash heavier than todays and the ball, christ it must of been like heading one of my yorkshire puddings. What he would of done with the space he would of had these days.


            • #51
              the goal he scored when chopper harris chopped him from behind was class

              chopper got up off the ground with donkeys lugs



              • #52
                and cart horse legs


                • #53
                  geordie best my mother took me to st james park to watch the game newcastle v manchester united i was shouting my little lungs out for the toon best got the winner **** was good to watch tho my mother bought me a pair of george best boot the white ones i played for my school team i dribled past five players shot from outside the box shot scored in my own goal was chased by my team m8s i thought i was king lol never got another game
                  R.I P, GEORGE TRUE STORY HONNEST


                  • #54
                    Alcoholism is an illness...and a terrible one at that...but Besty never blamed his reason for drinking so heavily on anything or anyone....As for his liver being wasted...How many people on here have over the recommended intake of alcohol every day?increased rates of cirrohsis of the liver are being seen in people who jsut have the odd bottle of wine a day in the comfort of their own home...not propping up the bar for hours every day....Oh to be perfect...RIP Georgy
                    "And I looked, and behold'a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with hi, and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword and with hunger, and with the beasts of the earth"


                    • #55
                      self inflicted illness. nobody forces us to drink we decide for ourselves


                      • #56
                        self inflicted illness. nobody forces us to drink we decide for ourselves
                        Hope no-one in your family ever suffers. I\'ve seen it my family, and believe me, its not nice. People have different ways of coping with life. My Uncle found that the best way to deal with the premature death of his wife was to drink. My family have never blamed him. I\'ve never blamed him. No-one should ever blame anyone. George Best found the best way to deal with Fame and hangers on was to drink. Once it hooked him, that was it.

                        RIP George, some people DO understand what you went through.



                        • #57
                          my brother suffers from bad depresion, he had a very bad year last year and did not turn to the drink. also my uncle was, is an alcohol but has beat it. i do agree that everybody deals with problems in diffarent ways but he mannaged to fight it without the drink, he did however hit it hard for a while but realised it was doing him more harm than good. i am sorry if i afended anyone and i do understand people with serious problems being a funeral director and working with street children in romania for a year. i will not say anymore on this thread as it is difficult to explain on line.



                          • #58
                            Sobering fact that the recommended MAXIMUM intake of alcohol is 3 units a day. That\'s 1.5 pints. Any more and you\'re (we\'re) doing ourselves long term damage. ME? I\'m way over that tonight already - not the beer, it\'s the wine and whisky...easy to drink and you don\'t feel bloated. It\'s a creeping illness but one we all sign up to... in different measures.

