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NESA CASTING 2010 Competition points - Rules

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  • NESA CASTING 2010 Competition points - Rules

    The 2010 Nesa casting season starts on the 21th March and will see the start of the points system that will run through until October.
    The points system will run as follows.
    Nesa club members will be placed in groups depending on their ability. These groups will be as follow :-
    Premier 250yds +
    A Group 225-250 yds
    B Group 200-225 yds.
    C Group 0 -200 yds
    At each event points will be allocated to each caster in order of the position they achieve .
    There will be 8 casting events with points available for scoring BUT only the competitors BEST 6 SCORES will count ( this will allow people to miss 2 events for holidays etc and not be penalised ). You can cast all 8 events but your lowest 2 scores will be dropped from the final total .
    Should an extra event be included during the season this will also be a points event but still only the best 6 scores shall count .
    The highest point scorer in each group will win that group and the group trophy.
    A caster can only win the group he/she is in.
    In the event of a tie each casters yardage will be totalled from the 6 points scoring events and the highest wins .
    New casters will be grouped by their best cast at their first event.
    Anyone who casts over the upper limit of their group at any 2 events will move up to the higher group at that second event.
    A list of casters per group will be available at each event
    Only club members are eligible for points .
    Day casters are welcome but will not receive points for any casts recorded .

    Anyone attending an event and having paid their entry fee to cast ( whether a measure is obtained or not ) is eligible to buy 1 raffle ticket per event towards an end of season raffle .( Attend all 8 events and 8 chances to win ) . All monies will be put towards the final prize table . ( Last year the prizes totalled over £1500 and included 3 Zziplex rods and 6 Abu 6500/5500's )


  • #2
    Thanks for putting the info up Bob.

